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Rabu, 02 November 2011

Wonderful Weekend (image heavy)

Oh, Sunday. Today is one of my most favorite days of the week and this one was definitely a good one. The entire weekend was actually pretty perfect, and I needed it, as I've been feeling a little off these past few days. My friend Adie always says that life has an ebb and a flow to it, and she's totally right- and a lot of the time my ebb and flow is a little too up and down for my taste, but I guess that's life. I've just felt a little down lately, a little sad, and a little "something" I can't quite put my finger on. I think this can be attributed to Henry's new wakeful period he's been going through, and rather than sleeping through the night like he has for months, he's been waking up a few times during the night. I'm thinking this is from teething, and I hope the poor little guy settles down soon, I feel terrible for him. And as for me, I'm tired, and that just kind of snowballs as each sleepless night goes by. Part of the problem was that I was going to bed at midnight or 1am, sleeping fitfully right along with Henry (waking to feed him), and then ultimately getting up around 6:30am. That is not conducive to a happy mama! So now, I'm forcing myself to go to bed at 10pm, and that way, at least I get a lot more sleep collectively. I already feel better so I think it's helping. I'm definitely going to continue the 10pm bedtime this week.

So other than my weird moods, things are really, really good. In my mind spring is short- summer is already on its way in and I can't wait. This weekend sure felt like summer up here in Prescott, and the weather was absolutely beautiful last night during our evening downtown. My parents were in town, so we did our normal dinner routine: Bill's pizza for salads and pizza, and a nice stroll around the square. The temperature was in the 70s and Henry was the happiest baby- he loves being outside. We also celebrated an early Easter, and my Mom made Henry the sweetest basket. Holidays are just so much fun with kiddos around!

This morning we woke up and went to brunch at the Dinner Bell, then came home and relaxed for awhile. Later in the day I went to the gym, and a combination of being outside and some hard cardio seemed to snap me out of the funk I've been in. I'm looking forward to having a really positive week and getting a lot accomplished. Some of the things I'm looking forward to: our new family room curtains arriving from Anthro, a hair appointment with Rhonda, and spending some time with some lovely ladies. So- here's to a great week!

Here are some photos from the past few days:

I mentioned before that Erin and her son Kyler came up Thursday. We had the best night hanging out, talking, and laughing. I've talked about Erin a lot on this blog, but we've been close friends since college where we met in our freshman dorm, and then ended up rushing the same sorority. We've had a lifetime of memories made together (11 years of friendship!), and when we got pregnant two months apart it was amazing to go through that experience together. She's the best!

brunch this morning

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